Animation Sci-Fi
2067: Isolation: Japan seals herself off from the eyes of the world in the face of unilateral international policy setting strict limits on the use of robotic technology. The island nation exists only behind a veil of seclusion. No soul shall enter. No soul shall leave. 2077: Revelation: The veil is breached. Japan is infiltrated by agents of the organization S.W.O.R.D., a fighting force operating outside of the protection of the United States and her allies. Their mission: Determine if the Japanese are developing banned robotic bio-technology, forbidden due to its threat to humankind. In the battle between machine and man, humanity stands to suffer most.
Directed by
Fumihiko Sori
Romi Park
Takashi (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Ryo (voice)
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Kisaragi (voice)
Akio Otsuka
Saito (voice)
Kenji Takahashi
Saga (voice)
Tomoyuki Shimura
Meisa Kuroki
Vexille (voice)
Yasuko Matsuyuki
Maria (voice)
Takayuki Sugo
Captain Borg (voice)
Shosuke Tanihara
Leon (voice)
Tetsuya Kakihara
Taro (voice)
Takaya Kuroda
Zack (voice)
Jin Domon
Gail (voice)
Nobuyuki Kobushi
Secretary (voice)
Jiro Saito
Chairman Itakura (voice)
Kazuki Ogawa
Hork (voice)
Ryuutani Osamu
Deserter (voice)

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