Animation Family
Santa Claus, Mickey Mouse and all his Disney pals star in an original movie about the importance of opening your heart to the true spirit of Christmas. Stubborn old Donald tries in vain to resist the joys of the season, and Mickey and Pluto learn a great lesson about the power of friendship.
Directed by
Carole Holliday, Theresa Cullen, Peggy Holmes, Matthew O'Callaghan
Written by
Robin Kingsland
Jeff Bennett
Elf #1 / Elf #2 / Grouchy Man / Donner (voice)
Kellie Martin
Mona (voice)
Jason Marsden
Max Goof (voice)
Russi Taylor
Minnie Mouse / Huey / Dewey / Louie (voice)
April Winchell
Additional Voices (voice)
Jim Cummings
Blitzen (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Daisy Duck (voice)
Gregg Berger
Additional Voices (voice)
Clive Revill
Narrator (voice)
Rob Paulsen
Additional Voices (voice)
Alan Young
Uncle Scrooge McDuck (voice)
Peter Siragusa
Additional Voices (voice)
Wayne Allwine
Mickey Mouse (voice)
Edie McClurg
Santa's Workshop Announcer (voice)
Bill Farmer
Goofy / Pluto (voice)
Tony Anselmo
Donald Duck (voice)
Chuck McCann
Santa Claus (voice)
Gene Weygandt
Additional Voices (voice)
Cork Hubbert
Additional Voices (voice)

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