Family Animation TV Movie Comedy
This classic "Peanuts" tale focuses on the thumb-sucking, blanket-holding Linus, and his touching faith in the "Great Pumpkin." When Linus discovers that no one else believes in the creature, he sets out to prove that the Pumpkin's no myth—by spending the night alone in a pumpkin patch.
Directed by
Bill Melendez
Written by
Charles M. Schulz
Ann Altieri
Frieda / Violet (voice)
Peter Robbins
Charlie Brown (voice)
Sally Dryer
Lucy Van Pelt (voice)
Christopher Shea
Linus Van Pelt (voice)
Glenn Mendelson
Schroeder / Shermy (voice)
Cathy Steinberg
Sally Brown (voice)
Gail DeFaria
Pigpen (voice)
Lisa DeFaria
Patty (voice)
John Scott Trotter

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