Based on the real-life adventures chronicled by Cameron Crowe, Fast Times follows a group of high school students growing up in Southern California. Stacy Hamilton and Mark Ratner are looking for a love interest, and are helped along by their older classmates, Linda Barrett and Mike Damone, respectively. At the center of the film is Jeff Spicoli, a perpetually stoned surfer who faces-off with the resolute Mr. Hand—a man convinced that everyone is on dope.
Directed by
Amy Heckerling
Nicolas Cage
Brad's Bud
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Stacy Hamilton
Sean Penn
Jeff Spicoli
Phoebe Cates
Linda Barrett
Forest Whitaker
Charles Jefferson
Taylor Negron
Pizza Guy
Eric Stoltz
Stoner Bud
James Russo
Lana Clarkson
Mrs. Vargas
Anthony Edwards
Stoner Bud
Judge Reinhold
Brad Hamilton
Amanda Wyss
Vincent Schiavelli
Mr. Vargas
Robert Romanus
Mike Damone
Lori Sutton
Ray Walston
Mr. Hand
Douglas Brian Martin
Angry Twin
Ava Lazar
Pamela Springsteen
Dina Phillips
Sammy Hagar
Kelli Maroney
Stu Nahan
Stu Nahan
Irving Azoff
Sonny Carl Davis
Al Wyatt Sr.
Scott Thomson
Blair Tefkin
Pat Bernardo
Brian Backer
Mark 'Rat' Ratner
James Bolt
D.W. Brown
Ron Johnson
Michael Wyle
Brad's Bud
Patrick Brennan
Curtis Spicoli
Steven M. Martin
Angry Twin
Shelly O'Neill
Perry's Pizza Waitress
Tom Nolan
Dennis Taylor
Laurie Hendricks
Reginald Farmer
Vice Principal
Stanley Davis Jr.
Jefferson's Brother
Julie Guilmette
Perry's Pizza Waitress
Duane Tucker
Dr. Brandt

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