Animation Family
Elina is a flower fairy who discovers that her home of Magic Meadow has been overcome by a horrible malady that is killing the flowers and making the fairies unable to fly. With the help of Bibble, a puffball and a giant butterfly named Hue she attempts to find Azura, a Guardian Fairy. She's challenged along the way by the evil Laverna who wants to usurp the Enchantress, the ruler of Fairytopia.
Directed by
William Lau, Walter P. Martishius
Written by
Diane Duane, Elise Allen
Britt McKillip
Pixie #1 (voice)
Kelly Sheridan
Elina / Mermaid #2 (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
Dandelion / Topaz / Mermaid #1 (voice)
Alessandro Juliani
Prince Kai (voice)
Lee Tockar
Bibble / Fungus / Happy Trolls (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Dahlia / Pixie #3 (voice)
Brian Drummond
Larkspur (voice)
Michael Dobson
Quill / Amythyst (voice)
Scott McNeil
Ruby (voice)
Nancy Sorel
Pixie #5 / Enchantress (voice)
Mark Oliver
Hue (voice)
Venus Terzo
Azura (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Laverna / Pixie #2 / Pixie #4 (voice)

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