Animation Comedy Sci-Fi TV Movie
When Leela is insulted by a group of space-rednecks (like regular rednecks, but in space) she enters the Planet Express ship in a demolition derby. She emerges victorious, but when she brings the damaged ship home and the Professor sees the fuel gauge, he's enraged by the hit he's going to take at the Dark Matter pump. Now the crew have to find a way to break Mom's stranglehold on starship fuel, even if they have to wade through a Lord of the Rings-inspired fantasy-land to do it!
Directed by
Dwayne Carey-Hill
Katey Sagal
Turanga Leela (voice)
Frank Welker
Nibbler (voice)
Kath Soucie
Cubert Farnsworth (voice)
John DiMaggio
Bender (voice)
Billy West
Philip J. Fry / Frydo / Prof. Farnsworth (voice)
George Takei
George Takei (voice)
Lauren Tom
Amy Wong (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Mom (voice)
Maurice LaMarche
Walt (voice)
Phil LaMarr
Hermes Conrad (voice)
David Herman
Roberto (voice)
Rich Little
Rich Little (voice)

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