Family Fantasy Animation Adventure
When a sprite named Crysta shrinks a human boy, Zak, down to her size, he vows to help the magical fairy folk stop a greedy logging company from destroying their home: the pristine rainforest known as FernGully. Zak and his new friends fight to defend FernGully from lumberjacks — and the vengeful spirit they accidentally unleash after chopping down a magic tree.
Directed by
Bill Kroyer
Tim Curry
Hexxus (voice)
Christian Slater
Pips (voice)
Robin Williams
Batty Koda (voice)
Samantha Mathis
Crysta (voice)
Jonathan Ward
Zak Young (voice)
Rodger Bumpass
Fairy 4
Pamela Adlon
Fairy (voice)
Tommy Chong
Root (voice)
Grace Zabriskie
Magi Lune (voice)
Elton John
Neil Ross
Elder (voice)
Cheech Marin
Stump (voice)
Robert Pastorelli
Tony (voice)
Kathleen Freeman
Edler (voice)
Jimmy Buffett
Townsend Coleman
Knotty (voice)
Harry Shearer
Fairy 3
Thomas Dolby
Danny Mann
Ash / Voice Dispatch (voice)
Geoffrey Blake
Ralph (voice)
Brian Cummings
Ock (voice)
Tone Loc
Goanna (voice)
Naomi Lewis
Elder #2 (voice)
Anderson Wong
Rock (voice)
Mike Utley
Jeff Dowd

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