Comedy Drama Romance
Country girl Rebecca has spent most of her life on a farm in South Dakota, and, when she goes away to college in Los Angeles, Rebecca immediately feels out of place in the daunting urban setting. She is befriended by a savvy party animal named Crawl, who convinces the ambivalent Rebecca to stay in the city. When Thanksgiving break rolls around, Rebecca, no longer an innocent farm girl, invites Crawl back to South Dakota, where he pretends to be her fiancé.
Directed by
Steve Rash
Carla Gugino
Rebecca Warner
Patrick Renna
Zack Warner
Brendan Fraser
Link (Uncredited)
Lane Smith
Walter Warner
Tiffani Thiessen
Dan Gauthier
Adam Goldberg
Tattoo Artist (uncredited)
Pauly Shore
Cindy Pickett
Connie Warner
Dennis Burkley
Mason Adams
Walter Warner Sr.
Miranda Garrison
Kate McGregor-Stewart
Garret Sato
Male Hairdresser
Michael George
Bass Player (uncredited)
Jeanne Basone
Mud Wrestler

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