Action Adventure Comedy Thriller
In the future, the desert country of Turaqistan is torn by a riot after private corporation Tamerlane, owned by the former Vice President of the United States, has taken over. Brand Hauser, a hitman who suppresses his emotions by gobbling down hot sauce, is hired by the corporation's head to kill the CEO of their competitors.
Directed by
Joshua Seftel
Written by
John Cusack, Mark Leyner, Jeremy Pikser
Marisa Tomei
Natalie Hegalhuzen
Hilary Duff
Yonica Babyyeah
John Cusack
Brand Hauser
Dan Aykroyd
Mr. Vice President
Joan Cusack
Marsha Dillon
Ben Kingsley
Walken / The Viceroy
Ned Bellamy
Ooq-Yu-Fay Taqnufmini / Zubleh
Ben Cross
Medusa Hair
Velizar Binev
German Businessman
Zahari Baharov
Video Guy #3
Velislav Pavlov
Video Guy #2
Velizar Peev
Lyubomir Neikov
Omar Sharif
Sergej Trifunović
Ooq-Mi-Fay Taqnufmini
Bashar Rahal
Video Guy #1
Montel Williams
GuideStar Voice (voice)
John McLaughlin
Nikolay Stanoev
Bhodi Bhundhang
Andrey Slabakov
Itai Diakov
Kid In Fallaf
Georgi Gatzov
Sound Man
Krassimir Simeonov
Tamerlane Guard #1
George Zlatarev
Mark Leyner

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