Fantasy Drama
Ebenezer Scrooge malcontentedly shuffles through life as a cruel, miserly businessman; until he is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve who show him how his unhappy childhood and adult behavior has left him a selfish, lonely old man.
Directed by
Brian Desmond Hurst
Patrick Macnee
Young Jacob Marley
George Cole
Young Ebenezer Scrooge
Jack Warner
Michael Hordern
Jacob Marley
Hermione Baddeley
Mrs. Cratchit
Tony Wager
Fezziwig's Lad (uncredited)
Miles Malleson
Old Joe
Hattie Jacques
Mrs. Fezziwig
Carol Marsh
Fan Scrooge
Alastair Sim
Ebenezer Scrooge
Peter Bull
First Businessman / Narrator
Kathleen Harrison
Mrs. Dilber
Ernest Thesiger
The Undertaker
Richard Pearson
Mr. Tupper
Eleanor Summerfield
Miss Flora
Noel Howlett
First Collector
Glyn Dearman
Tiny Tim Cratchit
Brian Worth
Fred Scrooge
Rona Anderson
Francis de Wolff
Spirit of Christmas Present
Olga Edwardes
Fred's Wife
Mervyn Johns
Bob Cratchit
Henry Hewitt
Mr. Rosehed
Eliot Makeham
Mr. Snedrig
Fred Johnson
Second Collector
Clifford Mollison
Samuel Wilkins
Douglas Muir
Second Businessman
Michael Dolan
Spirit of Christmas Past
John Charlesworth
Peter Cratchit
Roddy Hughes
Louise Hampton
Czeslaw Konarski
Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come
Hugh Dempster
Mr. Groper
David Hannaford
Boy Sent to Buy Turkey
Maire O'Neill
Alice's Patient
Moiya Kelly
Martha Cratchit (uncredited)

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