Comedy Animation
An action epic that explores the origins of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force (better known as Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad,) who somehow become pitted in a battle over an immortal piece of exercise equipment.
Directed by
Dave Willis, Matt Maiellaro
Tina Fey
Nine-Layer Bean Burrito (voice)
Fred Armisen
Time Lincoln (voice)
Bruce Campbell
Chicken Bittle (voice)
Chris Kattan
Walter Melon (voice)
Dave Willis
Meatwad / Carl / Ignignokt / Video Game Voice (voice)
H. Jon Benjamin
CIA Agent 1 (voice)
Dana Snyder
Master Shake (voice)
Neil Peart
Neil Peart of Rush (voice)
Jon Glaser
CIA Agent 2 (voice)
Andy Merrill
Oglethorpe (voice)
George Lowe
Space Ghost (voice)
Carey Means
Frylock (voice)
C. Martin Croker
Dr. Weird / Steve (voice)
Isaac Hayes III
Plantation Owner (voice)
Mike Schatz
Emory (voice)
MC Chris
MC Pee Pants (voice)

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