Comedy Romance Drama
Sidney Young is a down-on-his-luck journalist. Thanks to a stint involving a pig and a glitzy awards ceremony, Sidney turns his fortunes around, attracting the attention of Clayton Harding, editor of New York-based glossy magazine 'Sharps', and landing the holy grail of journalism jobs. The Brit jets off to the Big Apple and moves from one blunder to the next.
Directed by
Robert B. Weide
Megan Fox
Sophie Maes
Kate Winslet
Self (uncredited)
Toni Collette
Self (uncredited)
Danny Huston
Lawrence Maddox
Daniel Craig
Self (uncredited)
Ricky Gervais
Self (uncredited)
James Corden
Post Modern Review Staff
Hannah Waddingham
Elizabeth Maddox
Gillian Anderson
Eleanor Johnson
Simon Pegg
Sidney Young
Kirsten Dunst
Alison Olsen
Jeff Bridges
Clayton Harding
Katherine Parkinson
PR Woman
Newsstand Vendor (uncredited)
Thandiwe Newton
Ashley Madekwe
Miriam Margolyes
Mrs. Kowalski
Max Minghella
Vincent Lepak
Nathalie Cox
Woman in Bar
Bill Paterson
Richard Young
Margo Stilley
Brian Austin Green
Party Guest (uncredited)
Felicity Montagu
Clipboard Nazi
Fenella Woolgar
Post Modern Review Staff
Sam Douglas
Ashton Swinford
Glamorati (uncredited)
Diana Kent
Rachel Petkoff
Chris O'Dowd
Post Modern Review Staff
Jefferson Mays
Bill Nathanson
John Lightbody
Assistant Hotel Manager
Jane Perry
Mrs. Harding
Forbes KB
Hotel Security (uncredited)
Janette Scott
Sidney's Mother
Ian Bonar
Post Modern Review Staff
Toby Young
Davide Petrucci
Guest at Party (uncredited)
Miquel Brown
Clayton's Assistant
Nathan Nolan
July 4th Party Waiter
Loyd Catlett
Andy Lucas
Wizard Dentist
Dennis Jay Funny
Office Lobby Concierge (uncredited)
Charlotte Devaney
Kelan Pannell
Young Sidney
Kelly Jo Charge
Apollo Awards Presenter
Christian Maier Smith
Apollo Awards Guest
Hugh Thompson
Post Modern Review Staff
Emily Thorling
Post Modern Review Staff
Gillian King
Sharps Assistant
Isabella Calthorpe
Emily Denniston
Maddox's Assistant
Lisa McAllister
Sophie Maes' Assistant
Julia West
Mother Superior – Trailer
Brona C. Titley
Nun – Trailer
Charles de Bromhead
Young Priest – Trailer
Connie Wheeler
Harding Child
Lara Edmunds
Harding Child
Allen Lidkey
July 4th Party Guest
Alexandra Aitken
Nightclub Girl
Sarah Mennell
Flight Desk Attendant
Eivind Karlsen
Couple on Blanket
Edward Lemont
Sharps Magazine Receptionist (uncredited)
Jemma Bolt
Sharps Girl (uncredited)
James Schram
Doorman / Bouncer (uncredited)
Mitchell Green
Bouncer (uncredited)
Cris Blanco
Night Club Patron / Party Goer (uncredited)
Tracy Redington
Model (uncredited)
Oliver Martin
Maddox's Friend at Party (uncredited)
Thor Knai
Sharps Party Celebrity (uncredited)
Debbie Attwell
Red Carpet Fan (uncredited)
Robert Stone
BAFTA Security (uncredited)

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