Thriller Drama Mystery
As the 15th anniversary of a fatal high school shooting approaches, former pupil Diana McFee is haunted by memories of the tragedy. After losing her best friend Maureen in the attack, Diana has been profoundly affected by the incident - her seemingly perfect life shaped by the events of that day.
Directed by
Vadim Perelman
Written by
Laura Kasischke, Emil Stern
Uma Thurman
Oscar Isaac
Brett Cullen
Paul McFee
Evan Rachel Wood
Young Diana
Mark Cuban
Molly Price
Diana's Mother
John Magaro
Michael Patrick
Eva Amurri
Maggie Lacey
Amanda (Adult)
Jack Gilpin
Mr. McClood
Sharon Washington
Lynn Cohen
Sister Beatrice
Adam Chanler-Berat
Tuck Milligan
Clinic Doctor
Tanner Cohen
Nate Witt
Isabel Keating
Maureen's Mother
Gabrielle Brennan
Emma McFee
Nathalie Paulding
Amanda (Teen)
Oliver Solomon
Anna Moore
Blonde Student
J.T. Arbogast
Male Reporter
Jewel Donohue
Mother at Shooting

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