Drama Music
A promising goalkeeper of Real Madrid sees his chance when a teammate is injured and is summoned to replace him. But the misfortune is primed with him when an untimely car accident damaged her spine and is forced to give up that had to be the game of his life. Tired of so much bad luck, he retreats to a seaside hotel, where chance will go up to the stage.
Directed by
Eugenio Martín
Written by
Eugenio Martín, Miguel Rubio, Vicente Coello, Leonardo Martín
Bárbara Rey
Fedra Lorente
Amiga de julio (uncredited)
Erasmo Pascual
Dueño de la taberna
Andrés Pajares
Julio Iglesias
Julio Iglesias
Florinda Chico
Charo López
María José
José Sancho
Amigo de julio (uncredited)
William Layton
D. Miguel
Rafael Hernández
Carlos Lucas
Vendedor de Coches (uncredited)
Betsabé Ruiz
Amiga de María José
Jean Harrington
Goyo Lebrero
Mercedes' Husband
Inma de Santis
The Girl (uncredited)
Mayrata O'Wisiedo
María José's Mother
María Dolores Tovar
(as Mª Dolores Tovar)
Paquito Rodriguez
Paloma Juanes
José Fernández
Rafael Vaquero
José González Nebot
Enrique Madole

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