Animation Family
King Randolph sends for his cousin, Duchess Rowena, to help turn his daughters, Princess Genevieve and her eleven sisters, into royal material. But the Duchess strips the sisters of their fun, including their favorite pastime: dancing. When all hope may be lost, the sisters discover a secret passageway to a magical land where they can dance the night away.
Directed by
Greg Richardson
Written by
Cliff Ruby, Elana Lesser
Catherine O'Hara
Duchess Rowena (voice)
Britt McKillip
Janessa (voice)
Garry Chalk
Desmond (voice)
Kelly Sheridan
Genevieve (voice)
Nicole Oliver
Ashlyn / Twyla (voice)
Jonathan Holmes
Ambassador (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Edeline (voice)
Jennifer Copping
Blair (voice)
Gabe Khouth
Felix (voice)
Adrienne Carter
Fallon (voice)
Ashleigh Ball
Hadley / Ilsa (voice)
Lalainia Lindbjerg
Courtney (voice)
Shawn Macdonald
Derek (voice)
Christopher Gaze
King Randolph (voice)
Peter Kelamis
Brutus (voice)
Mark Oliver
Royal Butler / Fabian / Sentry #1 / Guard #1 (voice)
David Kaye
Royal Doctor / Sentry #2 (voice)
Arnie Roth
Chantal Strand
Lacey (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Delia (voice)
Maddy Capozzi
Kathleen (voice)

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