Comedy Music Romance
When a gold digger starts to get a little old to ply her trade, she teaches a younger woman all her tricks.
Directed by
Frank Woodruff
Selmer Jackson
Fred Dice
Margaret Hamilton
Nigel Bruce
William McDonald Vincent
Stanley Andrews
Joseph Shawhan
Cecil Cunningham
Dowager at Concert (uncredited)
Kay Francis
Grace Herbert
James Ellison
Thomas Elwood Dice
Katharine Alexander
Mrs. Dice
Gayne Whitman
Jeweller (uncredited)
Kane Richmond
Don Shawhan
Marek Windheim
Dr. Alonso Corivini
Eddie Dew
Bartender (uncredited)
Ralph Byrd
Miami Doctor (uncredited)
G.P. Huntley
Van Payson (as George P. Huntley)
Charles Arnt
Grady (uncredited)
Theodore von Eltz
Mr. Hunter (uncredited)
Charles Quigley
Lock (uncredited)
Florence Wix
Audience Member (uncredited)
Mildred Coles
Ellen Daley
Georgia Carroll
Alice Sawyer (uncredited)
Bert Moorhouse
Lake Placid Lodge Guest (uncredited)

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