Animation Adventure Drama Romance Sci-Fi
In a post-war alternative timeline, Japan is divided into the North, controlled by the Union, and the South, controlled by the United States. A mysterious high tower rises within the borders of the Union. Three high school students promise to cross the border with a self-built airplane and unravel the secret of the tower.
Directed by
Makoto Shinkai
Unsho Ishizuka
Okabe (voice)
Masami Iwasaki
Emishi Seisakujo Koin / Eki Shanai Announce / Byoin Incho (voice)
Masato Hagiwara
Takuya Shirakawa (voice)
Hidenobu Kiuchi
Arisaka (voice)
Hidetaka Yoshioka
Hiroki Fujisawa (voice)
Kazuhiko Inoue
Tomizawa (voice)
Risa Mizuno
Maki Kasahara (voice)
Yuuka Nanri
Sayuri Sawatari (voice)
Eiji Takemoto
Emishi Seisakujo Koin / TV News (voice)
Rie Nakagawa
Hiroki's Girlfriend (voice)
Takeshi Maeda
Daigakuinsei / Radio Hoso (voice)
Takahiro Hirano
Emishi Seisakujo Koin / Daigakuinsei (voice)
Yûki Nakao
Joshi Seito (voice)

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