Animation Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Horror
Meet Mikami - the SEXY leader of one of Japan's most successful independent ghost-busting agencies. Together with her eclectic team of exorcists, she's prepared to do battle with any supernatural adversary - but only for the right price! When an ancient spirit enlists her aid to deal with a re-incarnated foe, Mikami gets more than she bargained for. As the wicked Nosferatu - a vampire lord able to absorb the very life essence of his victims - begins to turn the city's inhabitants into mindless zombies, Mikami's team must race against time to save Tokyo from destruction. Watch The Ultimate Vampire Slayer in this fast, fun and furious supernatural action-adventure!
Directed by
Atsutoshi Umezawa
Written by
Takashi Shiina
Shigeru Chiba
Dr. Chaos (voice)
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Pete (voice)
Michie Tomizawa
Emi Ogasawara (voice)
Wakana Yamazaki
Maria (voice)
Takeshi Aono
Mitsuhide Akechi (voice)
Yakuchin (voice)
Kazuyuki Sogabe
Father Karasu (voice)
Mariko Kouda
Okina (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru
Reiko Mikami (voice)
Toshio Furukawa
Ranmaru Mori (voice)
Nobuhiko Kazama
TV Announcer (voice)
Yuko Nagashima
TV Reporter (voice)
Gorō Naya
Nobunaga Oda (voice)
Ryo Horikawa
Tadao Yokoshima (voice)
Machiko Toyoshima
Woman (voice)
Kumiko Nishimura
Meiko Rokudou (voice)

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