Drama Comedy Romance
Nerdy high schooler Ronald Miller rescues cheerleader Cindy Mancini from parental punishment after she accidentally destroys her mother's designer clothes. Ronald agrees to pay for the $1,000 outfit on one condition: that she will act as though they're a couple for an entire month. As the days pass, however, Cindy grows fond of Ronald, making him popular. But when Ronald's former best friend gets left behind, he realizes that social success isn't everything.
Directed by
Steve Rash
Written by
Michael Swerdlick
Patrick Dempsey
Ronald Miller
Cloyce Morrow
Judy Miller
Seth Green
Chuckie Miller
Steve Franken
Moda Clerk
Tina Caspary
Ami Dolenz
Max Perlich
Dennis Dugan
David Miller
Courtney Gains
Kenneth Wurman
Amanda Peterson
Cindy Mancini
Sharon Farrell
Mrs. Mancini
Paula Abdul
Dancer (uncredited)
Eric Bruskotter
Big John
Gerardo Mejía
Cort McCown
Darcy DeMoss
Brandi Brandt
George Gray
Bobby Hilton
Anastasia Coon
Dancer (uncredited)
Christopher Maleki
Frat Guy (uncredited)
Devin DeVasquez
Phillip Simms
Tudor Sherrard
Jimmie Lee Mitchell
Mr. Webbly
Jan O'Dell
Mrs. Hagmer
James Gooden
Mr. Wurman
Erin O'Flaherty
Jr. Wurman
Ty Gray
Will Hannah
Camera Salesman
Todd Walsh
Stocky Jones
Wayne Chandler
African Host
Meredith Wagelie
Freshman #1
Jennifer Nelson
Freshman #2
Corissa Miller
Transfer Girl
Lisa Christine Christiansen
Bambi La Brock
David Kinn
Extra (uncredited)
The Lowpriest
Tucson High Student (uncredited)
Shawn Tierney
High School Student (uncredited)

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