Drama Romance Crime
A young man, whose only possession is a motorcycle, spends his time riding around the city looking for empty apartments. After finding one, he hangs out for a while, fixing himself something to eat, washing laundry or making small repairs in return. He always tries to leave before the owners get back but in one ostensibly empty mansion he meets the abused wife of a rich man and she escapes with him.
Directed by
Kim Ki-duk
Jae Hee
Park Ji-a
Lee Seung-yun
Ju Jin-mo
Detective Jo
Kim Han
Man in Studio
Park Se-jin
Woman in Studio
Kang Sung-hoon
Boyfriend of Girl who Got Hit by Golf Ball
Lee Mi-suk
Daughter-in-law of Old Man
Kwon Hyuk-ho
Jeong-ho Choi
Lee Ju-seok
Son of Old Man
Moon Sung-hyuk
Jang Jae-yong
Rhee Dah-hae
Park Dong-jin
Detective Lee
Lee Jong-seob
Man who Came Back from Family Trip
Lee Ui-Soo
Woman who Came Back from Family Trip
Ryoo Jong-hwa
Boy who Came Back from Family Trip
Jung Song-hoon
Prisoner 1
Jang Ji-yong
Prisoner 2
Kim Maeng-sung
Prisoner 3
Jang Seok-bin
CIS Team 1
Kim Hyung-suk
CIS Team 2
Shin Tae-suk
Police 1
Lee Hong-suk
Police 2
Lee Byung-hoon
Police 3
Park Nam-min
Police 4

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