Comedy Drama
A hapless talent manager named Danny Rose, by helping a client, gets dragged into a love triangle involving the mob. His story is told in flashback, an anecdote shared amongst a group of comedians over lunch at New York's Carnegie Deli. Rose's one-man talent agency represents countless incompetent entertainers, including a one-legged tap dancer, and one slightly talented one: washed-up lounge singer Lou Canova, whose career is on the rebound.
Directed by
Woody Allen
Mia Farrow
Tina Vitale
Milton Berle
Milton Berle
Michael Badalucco
Money Ripper
Robert Weil
Herbie Jayson
Paul Greco
Vito Rispoli
Sandy Baron
Sandy Baron
Howard Storm
Howard Storm
Camille Saviola
Lady at Party
Joe Franklin
Joe Franklin
Jackie Gayle
Jackie Gayle
Frank Renzulli
Joe Rispoli
John Doumanian
Waldorf Manager
Ronald Maccone
Will Jordan
Will Jordan
Sheila Bond
Lady at Party
Peter Castellotti
Hood at Warehouse
Herb Reynolds
Barney Dunn
Corbett Monica
Corbett Monica
Morty Gunty
Morty Gunty
Craig Vandenburgh
Ray Webb
Edwin Bordo
Johnny Rispoli
Gina DeAngeles
Johnny's Mother
Sandy Richman
Olga Barbato
David Kissell
Phil Chomsky
Gloria Parker
Water Glass Virtuoso
Bob Rollins
Balloon Act
Etta Rollins
Balloon Act
David Kieserman
Ralph, Club Owner
Mark Hardwick
Blind Xylophonist
Alba Ballard
Bird Lady
Maurice Shrog
Belle Berger
Lady in Trance
Herschel Rosen
Lady's Husband
Cecilia Amerling
Fan in Dressing Room
Maggie Ranone
Lou's Daughter
Charles D'Amodio
Lou's Son
Joie Gallo
Angelina's Assistant
Carl Pistilli
Tommy's Brother
Lucy Iacono
Tommy's Mother
Julia Barbuto
Tropical Fish Lady
Anna Sceusa
Lady at Angelina's
Nicholas Pantano
Greeter at Party
Rocco Pantano
Greeter at Party
Tony Turco
Gilda Torterello
Antoinette Raffone
Vincent's Wife
Richard Lanzano
Money Ripper
Dom Matteo
Betty Rosotti
Lady at Party
Gary Reynolds
Manager's Friend
Diane Zolten
Fan at Waldorf
William Paulson
Fan at Waldorf
George Axler
Fan at Waldorf
Leo Steiner
Deli Owner

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