Comedy Animation
Jim, a banquet server at a banquet hall in new Hampshire, tries to follow the "Ten Commandments of Banquet Serving" to make it through a hectic wedding full of violent florists, mindless old geezers, and a homicidal Mother of the Bride.
Directed by
Griffin 'The' Hansen
Written by
Griffin 'The' Hansen
Ray Magliozzi
Father of the Bride
Autumn Hirsch
Bridal Attendant
Michael Poliquin
Fritz Wetherbee
Arthur Dark
Chef Dylan
Eva Daskos
Bridesmaid #1 / Bridesmaid #2 / Bridesmaid #3
Griffin 'The' Hansen
Mother of the Bride / Florist
Liv Shaffer
Server #2
Carter Capps
Father #2
Jatil Tillman
Server #1 / Father #1

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