Comedy Adventure
Two terrible lounge singers get booked to play a gig in a Moroccan hotel but somehow become pawns in an international power play between the CIA, the Emir of Ishtar, and the rebels trying to overthrow his regime.
Directed by
Elaine May
Written by
Elaine May
Isabelle Adjani
Shirra Assel
Carol Kane
Dustin Hoffman
Chuck Clarke
Matt Frewer
CIA Agent
Fred Melamed
Caid of Assari
Noel Davis
Tess Harper
Warren Beatty
Lyle Rogers
Dylan Baker
Aghast Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Jack Weston
Marty Freed
Konrad Sheehan
Haluk Bilginer
Guerrilla leader
Warren Clarke
English Gunrunner
Charles Grodin
Jim Harrison
Nadim Sawalha
Rug Shop Owner / Camel Seller
David Margulies
Mr. Clarke
Cristine Rose
Siri Darma
Arthur Brauss
German Gunrunner
Julie Garfield
Alex Hyde-White
CIA Agent
Bill Moor
U.S. Consul
Stefan Gryff
KGB Agent
Jon Hayden
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Ahmed Boulane
Guerilla (uncredited)
John Hayden
Michael Vaccaro
Marty Freed's Assistant (uncredited)
Nayef Rashed
Mohamad. the Camel Seller
Tony D. Head
Street Person (uncredited)
Frank Patton III
Rescue Cop (uncredited)
Aharon Ipalé
Emir Yousef
Fijad Hageb
Rose Arrick
Mrs. Clarke
Abe Kroll
Mr. Thomopoulos
Hannah Kroll
Mrs. Thomopoulos
Edgar Smith
Prof. Barnes
J.C. Cutler
Bill Bailey
Gen. Westlake
Ian Gray
Manager Chez Casablanca
Maati Zaari
Larbi Bouhaddane
Taxi Driver
Ron Berglas
CIA Agent
Neil Zevnik
CIA Agent
Alexei Jawdokimov
KGB Agent
Aziz Ben Driss
Waiter Chez Casablanca
Maitre D'Chez Casablanca
Eddy Nedari
Mohamad. the Camel Seller
George Masri
Mohamad. the Camel Seller
Sumar Khan
Ishtari Gunrunner
Jon Paul Morgan
Djellabah Seller
Mark Ryan
Screamin' Honkers
John Freudenheim
Screamin' Honkers
Bruce Gordon
Screamin' Honkers
Paul Standig
The Swing
Joseph Gmerek
The Swing
John Trumpbour
The Swing
Marie Jean-Charles
Teacher's Daughters
Patrice Jean-Charles
Teacher's Daughters
Danielle Jean-Charles
Teacher's Daughters
Cliff Taylor
CIA Agent (uncredited)
Thomas Brogan
C.I.A. Agent (uncredited)
Adil Abdelwahab
Fess Reynolds
Bill Rivers
David J. McMillan

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