Animation Family
Laura sees a shooting star falling to earth and finds it in a park, down on the floor and with a broken point. The star is a living being, and Laura takes her home to reattach its point with a band-aid. The little star has special powers and can make people fly, or bring inanimate objects to life. But the more she stays on Earth, the weaker she becomes and her colors fade away and her powers start to fail. Laura must find a way to send the little star back into outer space.
Directed by
Piet De Rycker, Thilo Rothkirch
Eva Mattes
Sonne (voice)
Mogens von Gadow
Hausmeister (voice)
Hildegard Krekel
Putzfrau (voice)
Mirco Nontschew
Mechanische Katze / Bär (voice)
Peter Fitz
Mond (voice)
Heinrich Schafmeister
Papa (voice)
Céline Vogt
Laura (voice)
Maximilian Artajo
Max (voice)
Brit Gülland
Mama (voice)
Sandro Iannotta
Tommy (voice)
Martin Reinl
Mini Hase (voice)
Adrian Wilms
Harry (voice)

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