Horror Thriller
In the mystical woods, whispers of a Bigfoot-like legend swirl, captivating the imagination of locals. Enter Fred, an ambitious entrepreneur thriving on Bigfoot tourism. When a relentless debt collector threatens to seize Fred's livelihood--the iconic Bigfoot tour van--he faces the battle of his life to save his business and home, preventing him and loyal friend Paddy from the brink of homelessness. Fred's last hope lies in two unexpected allies: the spirited tourist Marty and her adventurous companion Ger. Together, they embark on a thrilling quest, but standing in their way is the cunning cryptozoology expert, Rheinhold, who harbours secrets that could change everything.
Directed by
pauric brennan
Written by
Mark Hampton, pauric brennan
Mark Agar
Fred Gibbons
Andy Yule
Reinhold O'Connor
Gary Swayne
Paddy Grassman
Siobhan Aislinn

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