Adventure Animation Comedy Family
Pippi Longstocking is an extraordinary little girl who lives alone in her house, while her father sails the seven seas. Pippi's irrepressibly fun nature makes her easy to befriend, as neighbors Tommy and Annika find, but can also earn ire, especially from social worker Mrs. Prysselius.
Directed by
Michael Schaack, Clive A. Smith
Catherine O'Hara
Mrs. Helga Prysselius (voice)
Gordon Pinsent
Capt. Efraim Longstocking (voice)
Noah Reid
Tommy Settegren (voice)
Philip Williams
Constable Klang / Ringmaster (voice)
Dave Thomas
Thunder-Karlsson (voice)
Rick Jones
Constable Kling / O'Malley (voice)
Melissa Altro
Pippi Longstocking (voice)
Carole Pope
Teacher (voice)
Elva Mai Hoover
Mrs. Klang (voice)
Karen Bernstein
Mrs. Ingrid Settegren (voice)
Wayne Robson
Bloom (voice)
Olivia Garratt
Annika Settegren (voice)
Judy Tate
Annika Settegren (singing voice)
Mari Trainor
Mrs. Kling (voice)

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