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Bison, the ruthless leader of the international terrorist organization Shadowlaw, has been desperately searching for the greatest fighter on the planet for years. He finds it in Ryu, a young wanderer who never stays in one place long enough for Bison to find him. He does, however, get a fix on Ken Masters, an American martial arts champion who studied with Ryu as a child under the same master. Meanwhile, Major Guile of the United States Army is forced to team up with Chun Li from China in hopes of apprehending Bison and putting a stop his international ring of crime.
Directed by
Gisaburō Sugii
Unsho Ishizuka
Blanka (voice)
Kaneto Shiozawa
Vega (voice)
Masane Tsukayama
Guile (voice)
Jouji Nakata
Balrog (voice)
Tetsuo Kanao
Zangief (voice)
Kenji Haga
Ken Masters (voice)
Miki Fujitani
Chun-Li (voice)
Shozo Iizuka
Thunderhawk (voice)
Masakatsu Funaki
Fei-Long (voice)
Yukimasa Kishino
Dhalsim (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru
Eliza (voice)
Koujiro Shimizu
Ryu (voice)
Daisuke Gori
Edmond Honda (voice)
Shigezo Sasaoka
Sagat (voice)
Ginzo Matsuo
DeeJay (voice)
Takeshi Kusaka
M. Bison (voice)
Yoko Sasaki
Cammy (voice)

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