Romance Comedy Drama
In school, Wang Hsiao-hsia and her childhood friend Yuzu are seen as a couple, but Hsiao-hsia secretly longs for the transfer student Cheng Yih. Cheng Yih, admired for his exceptional grades, talent, and fighting skills, captivates her heart. Despite her poor academic performance, Hsiao-hsia tries various methods to win his affection, but nothing works. Unbeknownst to her, Cheng Yih harbors feelings for Hsiao-hsia as well. Meanwhile, Yuzu, fiercely protective of Hsiao-hsia, is wary of anyone trying to get close to her. As summer arrives, a fragrant first love begins to bloom among the three of them, reminiscent of lemongrass.
Directed by
Lai Meng-Chieh
Written by
Lai Meng-Chieh, Holly Yushan Chan
Peggy Tseng
Mrs. Cheng
Moon Lee
Wang Xiao-xia
Mario Pu
Shou Lou
Yang Zong-you "Yuzu"
Tsao Yu-ning
Cheng Yih
Heather Chen
Jiang Jia-ling
Ying-Ru Chen
Li Hsuan
Lin Mei-Shiu
Mrs. Wang
Hangee Liu
Bread Van Driver
Andy Huang
Xiao-xia's brother
Cheng Chih-wei
Vet at Kangding Animal Hospital
Tie-Hsiang Ban
Kuang-Yao Fan
Mr. Wang
Toyoda Katsunari
Chen Yen-Tso
Drinks Stall Owner
Xavier Lin
Hajjah Lin
Young Cheng Yih
Porima Cheng
Tsai Chen-ju
Nina Yeh
Young Xiao-xia
Livion Lee
Heartbroken Host
Lin Yu
An-Cheng Cheng
Young Yuzu

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