Adventure Animation Comedy Family Drama
Three children are accidentally transformed into fish after consuming a potion made by an eccentric scientist. The kids end up in the sea, with one problem: they must find and drink the antidote within 48 hours, or forever remain as fish.
Directed by
Michael Hegner, Stefan Fjeldmark, Greg Manwaring
Zlatko Burić
Bus Driver (voice)
Ghita Nørby
Anna (voice)
Paprika Steen
Mother (voice)
Peter Gantzler
Father (voice)
Dick Kaysø
Shark (voice)
Sebastian Jessen
Svip (voice)
Ulf Pilgaard
Crab (voice)
Søren Sætter-Lassen
Professor Mac Krill (voice)
Martin Brygmann
Sea Bass (voice)
Louise Fribo
Sasha (voice)
Nis Bank-Mikkelsen
Joe (voice)
Pil Neja
Stella (voice)
Morten Kerrn Nielsen
Plum (voice)
Stig Sparre-Ulrich

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