Documentary War
Canadian military accomplishments in the last hundred days of World War I, when the German Army was destroyed, surpassed those of any other army. The Canadian success was, in no small measure, due to Arthur Currie, whom a recent British historian describes as "the most successful Allied General and one of the least well known."
Directed by
Alan Erlich
Written by
James Wallen, Richard Nielsen
David Hemblen
Patrick Garrow
Paul Miller
Paul Gross
Martin Doyle
Richard Waugh
David Keeley
Linda Goranson
Martha Burns
James B. Douglas
Benedict Campbell
Sean Mathieson
Heinar Piller
Brad Austin
Jean-François Bard
John Bayliss
Loretta Jafelice
Stephen Bogaert
Erica Jackson
David Calderisi
Eric Koch
Gary Krawford
Dan MacDonald
John McMullan
William Dunlop
Adrian Egan
Roger Periard
Joergen Fuglsang
Terry Copp

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