Action Adventure
A girl is saved by a miracle after she falls from a cliff in the Argentine Andes, and is blessed with healing powers. A shrine is built on the site, and a whole city grows around it, rich with gold from the grateful worshipers. Ruiz, an evil and sadistic general, captures the city, confiscates the gold, and closes the shrine. But the Gaucho, the charismatic leader of a band of outlaws, comes to the rescue.
Directed by
F. Richard Jones
Mary Pickford
The Virgin Mary
Richard Talmadge
Douglas Fairbanks
The Gaucho
Lupe Vélez
The Mountain Girl
Eve Southern
The Girl of the Shrine
Nigel De Brulier
The Padre
Chris-Pin Martin
Fred DeSilva
Michael Vavitch
The Usurper's First Lieutenant
Gustav von Seyffertitz
The Usurper Ruiz
Albert MacQuarrie
Black Doom Victim
Paul Burns
Arthur Kay

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