Comedy Drama
It is 1967, and Larry Gopnik, a physics professor at a quiet Midwestern university, has just been informed by his wife Judith that she is leaving him. She has fallen in love with one of his more pompous acquaintances Sy Ableman.
Directed by
Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Written by
Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Simon Helberg
Rabbi Scott
Michael Stuhlbarg
Larry Gopnik
Richard Kind
Uncle Arthur
Adam Arkin
Divorce Lawyer
George Wyner
Rabbi Nachtner
Fred Melamed
Sy Ableman
Amy Landecker
Mrs. Samsky
Steve Park
Clive's Father
Michael Lerner
Solomon Schlutz
Amanda Day
Physics Student (uncredited)
Peter Breitmayer
Mr. Brandt
Katherine Borowitz
Friend at the Picnic
Fyvush Finkel
Alan Mandell
Rabbi Marshak
Michael Tezla
Dr. Sussman
Sari Lennick
Judith Gopnik
Punnavith Koy
Physics Nerd (uncredited)
Raye Birk
Dr. Shapiro
Warren Keith
Dick Dutton (voice)
Charles Brin
Hebrew School Principal
Aaron Wolff
Danny Gopnik
Scott Thompson Baker
Sci-Fi Movie Hero
Jane Hammill
Larry's Secretary
Allen Lewis Rickman
Shtetl Husband
Tim Russell
Detective #1
Yelena Shmulenson
Shtetl Wife
Ari Hoptman
Arlen Finkle
Jessica McManus
Sarah Gopnik
Brent Braunschweig
Mitch Brandt
David Kang
Clive Park
Benjamin Portnoe
Danny's Reefer Buddy
Jack Swiler
Boy on Bus
Andrew S. Lentz
Cursing Boy on Bus
Jon Kaminski Jr.
Mike Fagle
Ronald Schultz
Hebrew School Teacher
Claudia Wilkens
Marshak's Secretary
James Cada
Cop #1
Michael Engel
Torah Blesser
Phyllis Harris
Hebrew School Tea Lady
Piper Sigel-Bruse
Hannah Nemer
Sarah's Friend
Rita Vassallo
Law Firm Secretary
Neil Newman
Jim Lichtscheidl
Detective #2
Wayne A. Evenson
Russell Krauss
Landyn Banx
Physics Student (uncredited)
Joel Thingvall
Bar Mitzvah Guest (uncredited)
Kati Batchelder
Joey Sila

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