Animation Adventure Comedy Fantasy
Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent are back! What begins as a routine bandit-stomping turns into the adventure of a lifetime involving magical golems, an ancient Elven weapon and even someone bent on destroying the world. It's a predicament only Lina and Naga could get themselves in to.
Directed by
Hiroshi Watanabe
Megumi Hayashibara
Lina Inverse (voice)
Akio Otsuka
Selena's Father (voice)
Maya Okamoto
Female Martial Arts Master (voice)
Kazuki Yao
Zahhard (voice)
Maria Kawamura
Naga the Serpent (voice)
Minoru Inaba
Elderly Sorcerer (voice)
Daisuke Gori
Warrior (voice)
Becker (voice)
Kenji Utsumi
Galev (voice)
Akiko Hiramatsu
Selena Biatz (voice)

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