Drama Thriller Romance Mystery
Tom Beckwith has just quit his job as a police officer in order to study psychology. But his professor, Lauren Porter, is more interested in his criminology abilities than in his progress in psychology. Because of traumatic circumstances during her childhood she is suffering from schizophrenia, and it looks like her other ego has just killed somebody. So Tom Beckwith tries to help her by observing her, combining his professional abilities as an ex-cop and his recently gained knowledge of psychology.
Directed by
David Madden
Linda Hamilton
Lauren Porter / Lena
Elisabeth Moss
Ronni Beckwith
Jim Belushi
Tom Beckwith
Joshua Malina
Vera Miles
Dr. Ruth Goldin
Drew Snyder
Robert Porter
Josh Taylor
Charles Duffy
Mark Lindsay Chapman
Keno Sykes
Marc Poppel
Detective Joe Gallo
Elizabeth Arlen
Dee Harris
Tom Morga

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