Drama Family
Reggie White stars as Reggie Knox, a pro football player who retires, frustrated because he hasn't won a championship. Knox begins coaching a Portland, Ore., high school football program, where he befriends a troubled student. Reggie fights local ruffians with Christian values. And punches.
Directed by
Paul McKellips
Pat Morita
Principal Osaki
MC Hammer
Forest Ranger Baker
Paul Wight
Mr. Portola
Brett Favre
Janitor "Burt"
Cylk Cozart
Coach Bobby Fess
Emilio Delgado
Stadium Announcer
Derek Sitter
Rosey Grier
Rev. Jeremiah Knox
Marc Samuel
Reggie White
Reggie Knox
Mike Holmgren
Janitor "Ed"
Keith Jackson
Coach Parker
Bryce Paup
Police Officer
William Roaf
Willie "Haystack"
Mel Renfro
Dr. Walker
J. R. Richards
Pullman Bradish
Melba Joyce
Esther Mae Fess
Emmanuel Brown
Sara White
Sara Knox
Ed Whelan
TV Sports Announcer
Tim Ring
Reporter #1
TIm Blotz
Reporter #2
Allan Creel
Dr. Richardson
SiSi A. Johnson
Yvette Fess
Craig Miller
Brian Wool
Quigley Provost-Landrum
Mark Friedrichsen
Detective Handley
James B. Campbell

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