Adventure Action Comedy
Embark on a thrilling journey with two siblings, Hazel and Ivy, who win coveted tickets to a supposed utopia known as Paradise. Eager for a new life, the duo sets sail for the luxurious Isle Mirage, a temporary stay for the winners and a haven for the wealthy. However, as the facade begins to crumble, the siblings and their new friends discover the shocking truth behind Paradise's deceptive allure. The disparate group of teenagers must band together to expose a corrupt government, navigate betrayals, and confront the harsh realities of their disillusioned paradise. Will they succeed in dismantling the clandestine operation and forge a true paradise, or will their dreams shatter like illusions on the Road to Paradise?
Directed by
Alison King
Written by
Alison King
Katie Leuteritz
Hazel Flynn
Jazz Wang Andera
Ivy Flynn
Gabby Tanen
Rory Reed
Alex Gurl
President Clark Roberts
Audrey Leung
Scarlett Taylor
Lily Palumbo
August Roberts
Sam Lebowitz
Drew Bellwether
Chris Scheer
Frankie Lucas
Hailey Bobek
Kat Ellis
Kevin Cooper
Logan Knight
Yoseline Orellana
Parker / Reporter 1
Aarushi Sharma
Quinn / Reporter 2
Sophie Farrell
Gabby Patterson

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