Action Romance Adventure
Harald Handfaste is a 15th century Swedish Robin Hood, who fights against foreign oppression. He becomes the leader of a band of highwaymen and they start dealing with the evil bailiff. However, the bailiff will stop at nothing to catch Handfaste and show the people who is in charge. He even attempts to marry Handfaste's beloved Karin, and when she refuses to subdue, the bailiff decides to execute both her, her father and a monk who has been helping them.
Directed by
Hampe Faustman
Bengt Eklund
The Bailiff's courtier
Nils Hallberg
Tjuvaskata, robber
Georg Rydeberg
Von Dotzen
Gunn Wållgren
Peasant woman (uncredited)
Georg Skarstedt
Poor farmer (uncredited)
Gunnar Olsson
Bosse Enöga
Artur Rolén
Hanny Schedin
Kersti, Karin's mother
Vera Valdor
Von Dotzen's daughter
Ragnar Falck
George Fant
Harald Handfaste
Gösta Gustafson
Eghil Sjunnesson
Wiktor Andersson
Poor peasant
Ivar Wahlgren
poor farmer (uncredited)
Tord Stål
Pater Laurentius
Olle Hilding
Harald's father
Elsie Albiin
Karin Eghilsdotter
Thor Modéen
Werner Ohlson
poor farmer (uncredited)
Erik Forslund
poor farmer (uncredited)
Gösta Holmström
bailiff (uncredited)
Bengt Sundmark
herald (uncredited)
Olof Ås
von Dotzen's daughter chamber maid (uncredited)
Gunnar Öhlund
bailiff (uncredited)

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