Drama History Thriller
In the 1940s, the world was in turmoil, and it was crucial to decipher the enemy's communication codes in a timely and accurate manner. Rong Jinzhen has shown amazing mathematical talent since her childhood, and because she solved the problems assigned by her math teacher, she was noticed by more people, and even walked into the door of code-breaking by mistake.
Directed by
Chen Sicheng
Written by
Chen Sicheng, Christopher MacBride
John Cusack
Liu Haoran
容金珍/Rong Jinzhen
Daniel Wu
小黎黎(容小来)/Rong Xiaolai(Xiao Li-li)
Zhu Zhu
Pan Yueming
Qian Xuesen
Chen Sicheng
Xiao Yang
Chess Madman/棋疯子
Ouyang Nana
Intelligence Officer
Yu Feihong
叶筱凝(容太太)/Ye Xiaoning(Ms.Rong)
Wang Baoqiang
A Bing/阿炳
Cao Cuifen
Old Age Rong Biyu/老年容必瑜
Qiu Xinzhi
Chen Daoming
郑某/Zheng Mou
Wu Yanshu
Old Age Xiao-mei/老年小梅
Zhou You
Yan Shi/严实
Gai Yuexi
Rong Youying
Xu Huanshan
Vasily (Elder)
Chen Yusi
Rong Biyu/容必瑜
Choenyi Tsering
Mrs. Chen
Yutian Wang
Wa Xili/瓦西里
Wang Longzheng
Chief Ma
Zhou Yemang
Chief Zeng
Liu Jin
Zhou Enlai
Jason Koo
Sha Baoliang
Kevin Lee
Walrus Man
Ren Luyao
Yuan Jinhui
Rong Jinzhen (Junior)
Rovaif Babar

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