Drama History Action
The government in Edo era is suffering from a financial crisis. It hires "Kage" to provoke the collapse of small hans (prefectures). "Kagekari" are people who were hired by Daimyos (mayers of local governments) to resist kage. The young mayor of Suwa Takashiwa, Tadamaru was assaulted by a kage on his way to Edo. Zyubei and Gennnosuke, the Kagekaris, try to carry injured Tadamaru to Edo.
Directed by
Akira Inoue
Tatsuya Nakadai
Daisuke Ryū
Eitarō Ozawa
Taketoshi Naitō
Kiyoshi Yamamoto
Sei Hiraizumi
Shinji Ogawa
Yousuke Kondou
Tokio Oki
Toshiya Ito
Midori Yamamoto
Tōru Takeuchi
Shôshin Kobayashi
Kozo Yamamura
Atsuo Moroki
Katsuhito Matsuo
Etsuji Azuma

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