Animation Adventure Fantasy Family Sci-Fi
Lord Raider and an endearing little robot companion reside in the far-off realm of Planet Carrotland. As fate would have it, a cosmic spark from the radiant Pulsar star strikes the robot just as he becomes smitten with Princess Mimi, a charming pink bunny. However, their newfound love faces a significant obstacle when the king decrees a grand tournament in the kingdom, intent on determining who shall earn the honor of marrying the Princess.
Directed by
Mauricio de Sousa
Written by
Itsuo Nakashima, José Marcio Nicolosi
Angélica Santos
Cebolinha (voice)
Elza Gonçalves
Magali (voice)
Paulo Cavalcante
Cascão (voice)
Marthus Mathias
O Rei (voice)
Marli Bortoletto
Mônica (voice)
Araken Saldanha
Lord Coelhão (voice)
Ronaldo Batista
Locutor (voice)
Denise Simonetto
Anjinho (voice)
André Luis
Robozinho (voice)
Flora Maria Fernandes
Princesa Mimi (voice)
Orlando Vigiani Filho
Franjinha (voice)
Lino Simão
José Miguel Silva

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