Comedy Drama Romance
Ben and Katie Jordan are a married couple who go through hard times in fifteen years of marriage.
Directed by
Rob Reiner
Bruce Willis
Ben Jordan
Michelle Pfeiffer
Katie Jordan
Paul Reiser
Rob Reiner
Stan Kogen
Betty White
Lillian Jordan
Julie Hagerty
Rita Wilson
Rachel Kogen
Ken Lerner
Dr. Rifkin
Eric Clapton
Tom Poston
Red Buttons
Arnie Jordan
Colleen Rennison
Erin Jordan (at Ten)
Jayne Meadows
Jake Sandvig
Josh Jordan (at Twelve)
Albert Hague
Dr. Siegler
Bill Kirchenbauer
Eddie Kirby (wrongly listed as "Andy" in credits)
Casey Boersma
Josh Jordan (at Two and a Half)
Dylan Boersma
Josh Jordan (at Three)

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