Comedy Drama Fantasy Thriller
A struggling artist is tortured by his day and finds his muse in the night.
Directed by
Jeremy Broihier
Written by
Jeremy Broihier
Ryan Haines
The Artist
Michael Nitschky
Patrick Malley
The Troubadour
Jennie Prus
Lady Night / The Romantic Interest / The Lantern Pixie
Russ Mayo
Coffee House Victim / Orgy Drummer
Travis Broihier
The Chaos Goblin
Rex VanStee
The Day
Hendrick DeHerder
Morg (the hooded laugher)
Bill Wiley
Allison McKenna
Vine Nymph
Jill Martin
Tattooed Dancing Nymph
Jacqueline Bessely
Spanking Dancing Nymph
Orgy Nymph
Kate Richardson
Goth Nymph
Katie Caroll
Hearth Nymph
Amy Vance
Fire Pixie
Priscilla Carreras
Earth Pixie
Jered Michael
Golem Guardian
Ryan Mulder
Flame Throwing Guardian
Ethan McCullers
Flame Bobbling Guardian
Lecherous Cardinal
Andy Brown
Wooly Grump
Dancing Dryad
Shane Stead
Beer Dryad
Jeff Frost
Dancing Drunken Bum
Tim Villanueva
Drunken Bum Who Is Beaten
"Critical" Bob Boes
Shed Owner
Brian Klug
Repeat Student Stand In
Nicole Justian
Quante Yarbrough
Basketball Kid
David Murphy
Basketball Kid 2
Brian Parker
Basketball Kid 3
Susy Q Shawnee
Lady Night Stand In

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