Animation Drama
Yu Azuma, a high school girl, aims to be an idol. To achieve her dream, she sets four rules for herself: she will not be active on social media, she will not have a boyfriend, she will not stand out in school, and she will make friends with beautiful girls from the north, south, east, and west.
Directed by
Masahiro Shinohara
Hina Youmiya
Kurumi Taiga (voice)
Nanase Nishino
Old man B (voice)
Asaki Yuikawa
Yu Azuma (voice)
Reina Ueda
Ranko Kashima (voice)
Teruyoshi Uchimura
Shuichi Itami (voice)
Kazumi Takayama
Old man A (voice)
Haruka Aikawa
Mika Kamei (voice)
Syoya Kimata
Shinji Kudo (voice)
Hoshimachi Suisei

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