Comedy Romance Drama
Urban horticulturalist Brontë Mitchell has her eye on a gorgeous apartment, but the building's board will rent it only to a married couple. Georges Fauré, a waiter from France whose visa is expiring, needs to marry an American woman to stay in the country. Their marriage of convenience turns into a burden when they must live together to allay the suspicions of the immigration service, as the polar opposites grate on each other's nerves.
Directed by
Peter Weir
Written by
Peter Weir
Andie MacDowell
Brontë Mitchell Faure
Gérard Depardieu
Georges Faure
Ronald Guttman
Ethan Phillips
Mr. Gorsky
Lois Smith
Brontë's Mother
Rick Aviles
Bebe Neuwirth
Lauren Adler
John Spencer
Robert Prosky
Brontë's Lawyer
Novella Nelson
Marriage Celebrant
Ann Dowd
Malachy McCourt
Party Guest
Gregg Edelman
Simon Jones
Party Guest
Arthur Anderson
House Commitee
Ann Wedgeworth
Party Guest
Abdoulaye NGom
Street Beggar
Jessie Keosian
Mrs. Bird
Conrad Roberts
Taxi Driver
Mary Louise Wilson
Mrs. Sheehan
Stefan Schnabel
Party Guest
Francis Dumaurier
Stephen Pearlman
Mr. Adler
Vasek Simek
Maitre D'
Christian Mulot
Conrad McLaren
Brontë's Father
Victoria Boothby
Mrs. Adler
Anne Shropshire
Party Guest
Emily Cho
Party Guest
John Scanlan
House Committee
Ernesto Gasco
Jeb Handwerger
Oscar's Child
Michael David Tanney
Oscar's Child
Ed Feldman
Taxi Driver
Chris Odo
Immigration Supervisor
Michele Nevirs
Immigration Clerk
Clint Chin
Flower Seller
Larry Wright
Danny Dennis
Oscar, the Doorman

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