Sci-Fi Drama Animation Adventure
While the Doctor plays the Trilogic Game, Steven and Dodo are forced to play seemingly childish but ultimately dangerous games with the aim of being reunited and getting back to the Tardis. This brand new animated version has been created using the original audio recordings.
Directed by
Chloe Grech, Adam Boys, Bill Sellars, David Devjak
Written by
Brian Hayles
Michael Gough
The Toymaker (voice)
Carmen Silvera
Clara / Queen of Hearts / Mrs Wiggs (voice)
William Hartnell
The Doctor (voice)
Gary Russell
Peter Purves
Steven Taylor (voice)
Campbell Singer
Joey / King of Hearts / Sergeant Rugg (voice)
Jackie Lane
Dodo Chaplet (voice)
Peter Stephens
Knave of Hearts / Kitchen Boy / Cyril (voice)
Reg Lever
Joker (voice)

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