Drama Thriller Crime
A mysterious man arrives at the offices of an FBI agent and recounts his childhood: how his religious fanatic father received visions telling him to kill people who were in fact "demons."
Directed by
Bill Paxton
Written by
Brent Hanley
Matthew McConaughey
Bill Paxton
Dad Meiks
Jeremy Sumpter
Young Adam
Powers Boothe
FBI Agent Wesley Doyle
Missy Crider
Becky Meiks
Derk Cheetwood
Agent Griffin Hull
Greg Serano
FBI Agent #1
Matt O'Leary
Young Fenton
Dave Power
Matt (uncredited)
Cynthia Ettinger
Cynthia Harbridge
Luke Askew
Sheriff Smalls
Gwen McGee
John Paxton
Janitor in Lobby
Greg Bronson
Postman (uncredited)
Lance E. Nichols
FBI Agent #4
Levi Kreis
Fenton Meiks
Alan Davidson
Brad White
Vincent Chase
Edward March
Rebecca Tilney
Blake King
Brad Berryhill
Teenage Demon
Edgar L. Davis
FBI Agent #2
Jim Flowers
FBI Agent #3
Richard A. Bell
Chelsea Butler
Little Girl
Jennifer Drake
Teacher's Aide
Betty Gurule
Doyle's Mother
Ona Harris

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