TV Movie Comedy Romance
Thirty year old, Whitney Williams, a professional golfer, suffers a series of setbacks that lead her to question her future in the sport. After an extended losing streak, she returns home to Budapest, Hungary, to reevaluate her future in the sport. There she meets a golf pro who helps her rediscover the joy of the game. In the process, she finds love.
Directed by
Stefan Scaini
Written by
Brittany Bristow, Justin Keating
Marcus Rosner
Daniel Balázs
Ashley Newbrough
Whitney Jones-Béla
Brittany Bristow
Brooke Bradshaw
Steve Byers
Andrew Kline
Barbara Szitás
Viktoria Balázs
Evelin Dobos
Bianka Kalmár
Roy McCrerey
Marton Béla
Katalin Ruzsik
Zsuzsanna Gabas
Adam Boncz
Laszlo Gabas
Lorena Santana-Somogyi
Tina Stevens
Mark Zecchino
Kara Wagland
Barbara Xantus
Zsolt Bognár
Kristof Balázs
Joe Horn
Tamas Balázs

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