Comedy Drama
To make her father's dream come true, a woman, with the help of her sister, decide to disguise themselves as men and infiltrate a boys hostel run by a strict ward to get money to start a restaurant.
Directed by
Jalindar Kumbhar
Written by
Omkar Mangesh Dutt
Ritika Shrotri
Bharat Jadhav
Jagannath Rao
Ruturaj Shinde
Gaurav More
Madhuri Pawar
Isabela Bernardo
Rutuja Bagwe
Nikhil Chavan
Sunil Godbole
The Makeup Artist
Conor Tahir
The Handsome Guy
Kinhikar Ashwini Deole
The Nurse
Sammy Jonas Heaney
The Foreigner
Shubham Wankhede

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