Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Animation
The most popular Super Hero Team in history is ready for action in a spectacular series of thrilling adventures. When a familiar face from Wolverine's former life resurfaces, he must wage a war he never intended. Ultimately, the X-Men must join forces with Magneto in a fight to save all mutants from annihilation. Discover the truth of Wolverine's secret past, and watch his decisive battle as he is forced to make a choice that will forever affect the fate of the X-Men.
Written by
Eric Lewald, Sidney Iwanter, Mark Edward Edens
Lenore Zann
Rogue (voice) (archive footage)
George Buza
Beast (voice) (archive footage)
Cedric Smith
Professor X (voice) (archive footage)
Cal Dodd
Wolverine (voice) (archive footage)
Norm Spencer
Cyclops (voice) (archive footage)

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