History Drama
From birth Hideyoshi was a restless, defiant spirit--a child of the poorest of the poor. Cast out of his peasant cottage, he would live by his wits, driven by his burning ambition to become a samurai and to find a warlord worth pledging his sword to. This is the story of his rise, and the thunderous battle he pinned his hopes on. The challenge that had already ruined and bloodied the armies of higher-ranking samurai than Hiyoshi. The battle that brought him rank, fame and fortune and transformed him into Hashiba Hideyoshi, right-hand man to the ruthless Lord Oda Nobunaga, and would drive him on to conquer Japan.
Directed by
Tatsuo Ōsone
Tatsuya Ishiguro
Michiko Saga
Jūshirō Konoe
Isuzu Yamada
Yoshito Yamaji
Kōkichi Takada
Hiroshi Ogasawara
Manami Fuji
Miki Mori
Matsumoto Hakuō I
Michiko Ikuno
Yasuo Fujita
Hideaki Kusayama
Yataro Kitakami
Akitake Kôno
Shinji Takano
Toshio Nogi
Hinode Nishikawa
Hachiro Mori

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